
How to lose weight for not rebounding on a diet

How to lose weight for not rebounding on a diet





How to lose weight for not rebounding on a diet

Understanding the cause of the stagnation period occurring at the time of dieting, if measures are taken, it will not rebound.
Even if you can lose weight with a diet, it is a common case that you rebound and gain weight.
With dieting and rebounding repeatedly, you can not succeed in dieting even when it passes.
As a cause of rebound, there is a thing that eats too much from the stress of diet and becomes fat.
Continuing a diet with excessive stress can not continue itself, so it is important to alleviate the stress during dieting in some way.
I can lose weight smoothly immediately after starting dieting, but as the stagnation period comes, the weight loss gradually slows down.
The stagnation period of the diet misunderstands that the body is in a state of starvation, saves energy consumption, so it tries to consume energy extra from the meal, and the weight does not fall easily.
When confronted with this stagnation period, it is frustrating and you eat too much meal, which leads to rebound.
When fat is absorbed into the body, a hormone called leptin is secreted, stimulating the full stomach center and obtaining a feeling of fullness.
During dieting, the absorption of fat decreases, so the amount of leptin secreted decreases and it contributes to hunger.
If you do too much calorie restrictions, you will be working on a diet while feeling stress.
If there is a stagnation period in such a situation, it will be chased mentally.
If you make an extreme diet, it will be easier for rebounds to occur, so let's slow down so as not to diet more than 5% of your current weight.


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